Thursday, July 22, 2010

Love and Sex

This is also triggered by LPP community in Orkut. Go on...

Is love possible without sex in a wife-husband relationship?
Love is spiritual..Sex is material..

Spiritual is beautful when it is intermingled with material..

Why do we try to seperate spirituality with materialism...
Let both be there in harmony...

Sex is possible without love. But love without sex is impossible..

Spirituality will show itself physically in someway or other. So love will show its physical nature.
Thats why people say when love is in the air, it shows! Love is like a smell, if you have it, you can't hide it!

But Induging in Materialism won't become spiritual in nature. It explains why the rituals are useless for attaining spirituality.

Also it explains, sex without love is possible. Ask the prostitutes!


Inferior life , Superior life

I was an Orkut addict when I was in the final year of my engineering. Now the addiction has come back.

Now a days i am engaged in discussions and arguments in an Orkut Community called LPP or 'Logic, Psychology, Philosophy'. Orkut has become my favourite passtime.

Later, I realized all the discussions and arguments I pose in the threads in these communities are actually worthy of being a content for a blog. As I am now being irregular in writing blogs, the LPP engagements have revived my interest in blogs as well.

Tonight, we had heated discussions regarding 'Is war inevitable?'...
People argued as we become civilized, we reduce bloodshed.

I am infamous in all the communities to refute whatever the Thread Starter or Lead Poster is arguing about.

Somebody put forward 'human life is precious'. Then i had my reason to refute as given below:
This is hypocrisy..

Why only human life is so precious?

Chilly Chicken in your plate had a life. Why its inferior?

Either see all life as inferior..which will be 'being pro-war'!

Or see all life as superior..which will be 'being anti-war'!

Somebody had put forward 'the more civilized we are, the less bloodshed and wars in this world'.
I came with my refutals
Civilization mentioned here is human civilization...
It only means development of ways for the survival of a specific species - here in this case human species' survival..!!

So this is clearly a hypocrisy...

I also added these lines. I had an experience of very annoying gory picture infront of my mind's eye. I am sure everybody got my point when i put forward this. Because the experience was too intense and cruel. it went like this:
All killing is the same. Think through this.

if there is an instument that replicates the experience of a chicken which is getting beheaded to a human being in its same intensity...!

I dont think that is funny.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Realizations exists in the realm of thoughts?

I was reading the blog of my roomie(room 501c ,bldg 27, spjimr mumbai), prem which is God is a freaking guy..;) !

He has some weird ideas about some things. For example, he believes everybody lives up to their name. At the end, the nature of a person is that of what his name means.
Beacuse he is called Premankur, he espouses the idea that he not only brings love to eveybody, but also teaches others to love. Is there any sense in this nonsense? There are lot of 'Smiths' in US. But they don't collectively turn to be blacksmiths or goldsmiths or whatever.

Prem is one the very few guys in the institute with some philosophical bent - the only one i have yet found. He is now reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. He reads and discusses with me. And he says he has benefitted a lot from those discussions. He said he started hating some people, because they are impure in the sense they fake themselves. The protogonaist in the novel also do the same. I told him this is just an initial stage of your philosophical growth. There lies a very long way to journey where you will be full with compassion towards the universe.

He had written of a realization which happened to him recently. He claims he got connected to a greater purpose of life from the divine and has been called to move on.

i wrote in his blog which mentioned his experience of realization -
In some level of your existence , u realize something.. You feel great and in top of the world.
The next moment you turn into a worm..You are nobody. A descent has happened.
The ascent was not permanent. You have to know that everything is temporary..Nothing exists to be eternal.
Are you sure your realization is eternal?
Sometimes its the thoughts that disguises into realizations..

And clearly thoughts are not realizations..
Thoughts imprisons us in its illusions..We need to be free from thoughts.. And vicious circle is that it our thought again that we need to come out of the thoughts.
We need to make sure that the realization is not a thought.. - ( These are some ideas i got from speeches of J.Krishnamurthy).

Thats why true realization can't be penned down, as said by buddha, osho and other numerous zen masters. The moment you try to describe the realization, it disappears..because realization happens above the level of thoughts..

If its not realization, it is a piece of art, it is a literature, it is a philosophy..
