Thursday, November 5, 2009

Harmony is the goal; Dissonance is the hindrance...

I saw a film today named 'Amelie'. It is a french film in which an introverted love seeking woman named 'Amelie' starts feeling a sense of harmony in herself after she decides to mend the messy lives of people around her. For doing it she devises funny strategic ways and enacts it with perfection. Later she realies it needs courage to mend one's own messy life. The story is about how a young lady like Amelie gather enough courage to make it happen.

Harmony is what we want. And harmony in the way we feel ourselves is the intoxication we search here and there. We try to find it in our relationships. We try to find in our work places. We try to find it in cocaine,alcohol and tobacco. We want physical, spiritual and mental harmony for which we join Yoga and Pranayam. We do meditation. We do aerobics. What all we do for this elusive stuff called harmony. We fight even world wars for harmony.

This harmony is physical,mental and spiritual all at the same time. Socrates had told : "Its good to marry; If you get a good wife, you can be happy. If you get a bad one, you can be a philosopher." It needs lack of harmony for becoming a philosopher. A person in harmony doesn't look for meaning of life and other metaphysics. He doesn't find it needed at the moment when he is in harmony. J.Krishnamurthi had told same stuff when he was asked whats the meaning of life.

Students from good families are blessed with harmony in themselves. Affection from family or other relationships is the greatest source of harmony for most of the human beings. This harmony is what that makes those students excel in their life. If somebody lacks harmony he won't be able to grow. He will be in a rut. He is in a vicious cycle in which he ends up in dissonance whatever he does to overcome.

I don't understand the mechanics of harmony. When you feel the affection of somebody, out of nothing harmony takes birth in you. You don't remember you were depressed the moment before. That might be what being-completely-in-the-moment means for Osho and J.Krishnamurthi.

The dissonance is what you have to dispell from your life. If that is done, you are bound to grow in harmony and you reach the goal. From lower harmony to higher you take strides on and on. Let your destiny unravel with its own ways of dispelling the only hindrance to reach the goal ie. dissonance.

I had gone for my Abhyudaya session today. It is a scheme in which PGDM students are asked to mentor a child from poor family background. We are required to guide them not only in their studies but also building positively their personality, attitude and the whole outlook towards their life, others lives and society as a whole. The word Abhyudaya means 'growing together'. I remember 'selfless service' is one of the ways to reach Krishna(Consciousness) from my reading of Bhagvat Gita. Krishna is a mythological name given to harmony as far as I know the indian philosophy. I do feel abhyudaya is quite a means to be harmonious. I also feel management is nothing but building harmony inside yourself which will be reflected outside by ist own law. The law being 'What is our inside world becomes our outside world'.

A really long prose can be written on this abstract subject. Anyway all this will remain in theory itself unless you experience it atleast once.


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